
Remote Working Tips

K2S HR Team

What is the secret to building a successful remote working culture?

At K2S, we’re remote first. Creating a culture that supports this structure has been a challenge we thrive on. We’ve learned so much along the way.

Here are our top 5 tips to remote working success:

  1. Transparency & Communication: We’re open and honest about what’s going on with company and expect the same from our team
  2. Setting expectations: We strive to be clear about expectations and have rules and guidelines in place to take out the guesswork
  3. Flexibility & Work-life Balance: We know everyone is different and that the typical 9 to 5 doesn’t work for everyone. At K2S, everyone has different schedules to accommodate personal preferences and allow our team members to clock in when they are at their best
  4. Environment: We support our team to create a great workspace at home
  5. Tools: We take advantage of the best remote working technologies and infrastructure to create an engaging, productive culture
  6. (Bonus) Mental Health: We encourage everyone to disconnect, take their holidays and take steps to maintain their mental health

Do you have a remote working team? Let us know what’s worked for you.

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